Image by: kinsta.com
Class registration is one of the most essential parts of high school. It maps out your high school experience. There are different ways to approach it, whether you’re thinking about all the classes you want to take years in advance or filling out the sheet the day of your meeting, but all impact not only your grades as a student, but your experience as a War Eagle.
As for me, I was planning out all my classes in advance so I could try to take as many as possible and achieve the most that I could as a student. I’m the embodiment of a nerd (how else do you end up in the newspaper?) I’m the kind of student who enjoyed studying and reading and loaded up on the AP’s the second I had the chance. And it worked to my benefit. I got accepted into NC State and UNCC, so I properly set up my schedule to help me in the next chapter of my life. However, I catch myself thinking about what my high school experience could have been like if I wasn’t so dead-set on taking so many academically rigorous courses.
My favorite hobby that got put on the back burner was my love for computers and programming. Now, it sounds small, but I loved being a part of robotics and coding clubs throughout elementary and middle school. I was the kid that had no problem explaining to a teacher that their methods were wrong or inefficient or too simple. While that level of programming is pretty easy, I loved being able to work out codes and design all sorts of things.
I enjoyed taking art classes as well. So much so that I ended up never taking a typing class in middle school because it conflicted with all the art classes I took. I liked drawing and painting and making clay pots, but what I loved most was making jewelry. To me, it was the same as coding; sequences and patterns, art whether it was on your wrist or a screen.
Then came high school, the era of “this is what decides your future!” and “build that profile!” This is a time where your blossoming hobbies and interests either stay hobbies, become a career interest, or get dried up with RoundUp. I wish more than anything that I stuck with some of the hobbies that I hung out to dry.
However, one hobby I didn’t let go of was band, and it was the best decision I made. More so than all of the AP classes I took combined. I didn’t take band because I needed to, but because I wanted to. My dearest memories and closest friendships were made in the band room and the stands under Friday Night Lights. I became a better student by taking academic classes, yes, but I became a better person by being involved in the band program.
So when everything comes to a close, make sure you didn’t make the same mistake I did. Grow with your interests and desires. Build a profile that you want, not what everyone tells you to make. You have a whole lifetime to grow with your career interests no matter what you choose. Want to take art classes? Yes, do it! The pieces that hang up in the hallways are magnificent and more people deserve to utilize that kind of potential! Want to take chorus, dance, or band? Take it! The relationships you build with others in those classes are some of the strongest! Do you enjoy taking and editing photos and videos? Take advantage of the digital media and design classes! They are really interesting and I wish I took them myself!
A shameless plug for The Weekly Talon, but if you enjoy writing stories about topics that are important to you, you will have the opportunity to take it as a class!
Don’t let your budding interests die. Nourish them, and they will fulfill you more than you ever thought imaginable. Your high school experience is what you make it out to be. Make more time for memories, not academic checklists.