Do you want to learn and teach others about how to be more respectful? Do you want to win a thousand dollars? Do you want to learn how to work collaboratively with a group to get things done?
If you said yes to any of these questions, Davie Respect Initiative is for you.
What is the Davie Respect Initiative?

Mia Clair Myers 2019 Ambassador of Respect, Davie County Enterprise Record
Davie Respect Initiative, or DRI, is a community organization that has the goal of enhancing the level of respect around Davie County. Residents of Davie County that are 12-21 years old can enter their applications with ideas about how to increase respectfulness around the county. These ideas range from creating media with positive affirmations, to writing a children’s book on respect. After a panel of judges analyze the potential of each project, they will award up to three ideas a prize of $1,000 each quarter!
Why should you apply?
“My main takeaway from being a part of Davie Respect Initiative is that people can show respect in many forms, and the DRI program does a magnificent job of exemplifying this. For me I think people show respect by serving others, which corresponds to my website project.” Rachel Quance, 2019 Respect Ambassador

Rachel Quance, “Pandemic Pivot,” Davie Life

Madi Rogers 2019 Ambassador of Respect, Davie County Enterprise Record
Davie Respect Initiative allows for change to be made in the community, along with educating the participants about how to be more respectful themselves. Respect Ambassadors, or past winners, have the opportunity to attend meetings and improve the organization as a whole. These meetings consist of working together as a team, developing marketing skills, leadership opportunities, and a lot of fun!
Winners also receive a $1,000 dollar reward, which can be used to implement their project.
Where do you apply?
You can visit the Respect Initiative website at Home (davierespect.com) for information about the application process.