Arrakis, Atreides, where do the foreign terms and strange names stop? Dune (2021) is not only full of unfamiliar vocabulary, but it’s also full of many details. This includes the futuristic universe where the film takes place, the characters, and the plot. However, these elements were likely forgotten in the 3 years since the film’s release. Instead of re-learning the plot and ways of the universe, refresh your memory with this handy guide featuring all you need to know before watching Dune: Part 2.
The Setting
First, a solid understanding of this futuristic world’s setting is needed to understand the plot. Both Dune movies are set 20,000 years into the future, or year 10191. Five planets are featured in this time: Caladan, Geidi Prime, Kaitain, Salusa Secundus, and Arrakis. Caladan is home to the House of Atreides, or essentially the “good guys.” Alternatively, Geidi Prime is home to the House of Harkonnen, or the “bad guys.” Kaitain is home to the House of Corrino and acts as the capital, and Salusa Secundus is where the Sardaukar, or the Emperor’s military, dwells. However, Arrakis is where most of this story takes place.
Arrakis, also known as Dune, is a planet covered in sweltering deserts. It is home to the Fremen, who live in the heart of the desert in groups called “Sietches,” each led by a Naib. They live off of Spice melange, a powerful substance used for interstellar travel, psychedelic abilities, improved health, and more.
The spice is also used by a sisterhood called the Bene Gesserit for psychedelic and superhuman abilities, such as changing their vocal pitch to control others or enduring the “Spice Agony,” a ritual that involves drinking poison to become a Reverend Mother and communicate with past Mothers. Though they belong to no house, the Bene Gesserit have spread their beliefs to House Atreides, the Fremen, and the Imperium.
The Imperium is ruled by Shaddam Corrino IV, who lives in the capital. Power is checked here by the Landsraad, though the House of Harkonnen wants to overthrow the Emperor to gain complete control over the distribution of Spice Melange.
The Plot
With this background out of the way, let’s dive into the plot. Our story begins with Paul Atreides (Timothée Chalamet) being awakened from one of many prophetic dreams featuring a Fremen girl. Upon waking, it is announced that the Emperor has offered Duke Leto Atreides, Paul’s father, to replace the House of Harkonnen’s ascendancy over Arrakis in exchange for planet Caladan. Leto accepts the offer.
Before sending House Atreides to Arrakis, Paul undergoes Gom Jabbar administered by Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam (Charlotte Rampling). Passing the test, Paul later overhears his mother, Jessica Atreides, (Rebecca Ferguson) and the Reverend Mother discussing his potential to be the Kwisatz Haderach.
After the House of Atreides lands on Planet Arrakis, a Hakonnen spy is found in the palace’s wall. In response to the threat to their lives, the Reverend Mother confronts Siridar Baron Vladimir Harkonnen (Ian Mcneice) on planet Geidi Prime, which results in Baron agreeing not to harm Jessica or Paul.
After this incident, Paul’s mentor Duncan Idaho (Jason Momoa) facilitates a meeting between House Atreides and Fremen Sietch Leader Stilgar (Javier Bardem), which ends with Leto agreeing not to hunt or seek Fremen Sietches. Leto, Paul, and Duncan then meet imperial planetologist Liet-Kynes (Sharon Duncan-Brewster) and travel to see the spice harvesters. However, the mission doesn’t go as planned as they encounter a deadly sandworm and Paul has an ‘allergic reaction’ to the Spice nearby, witnessing more prophetic visions.
Later that night, Leto is awoken by the Arakeen shields lowering. When he investigates the cause, Atreides Yuk Doctor Wellington Yueh (Chang Chen) immobilizes Leto to save his hostage wife from the Harkonnen. As the Sardaukar and Harkonnen forces invade Arakeen, Yueh secretly gives Leto a poisoned tooth that can be used to self-sacrifice himself in an attempt to kill Baron. Once in range of Baron, Leto bites down on the tooth. However, Baron survives and his nephew Glossu Rabban (Dave Bautista) reclaims control over Arrakis in place of him.
As the fighting continues, Paul and Jessica are taken hostage on a thropter by the Harkonnen. However, the two of them quickly escape by using the Bene Gesserit’s vocal power on the guards. Once safely hidden in the desert, Paul begins having visions.
“I see a holy war spreading across the universe like unquenchable fire. A warrior religion that waves the Atreides banner in my father’s name. Fanatical legions worshipping at the shrine of my father’s skull. A war in my name!” Paul shouts.
In the morning, Paul and Jessica are found by Duncan and Kynes and are informed that the Emperor has sided with the Harkonnen. Together, they hide in an ecological testing station until the Sardaukar finds them. Duncan, wanting to protect the others, sacrifices himself to the soldiers. Kynes meets a similar fate once she part ways with Paul and Jessica.
After Paul and Jessica evade capture, they eventually find Sietch Tabr. Once Paul and Jessica have proven themselves worthy of being a part of the Sietch, Fremen warrior Jamis (Babs Olusanmokun) challenges Paul to fight to the death. Chani (Zendaya), the girl from Paul’s dreams, soon reveals her face and gives her blade to him for the fight. Paul wins by stabbing Jamis in the back, and the film ends with Stillgar telling Paul that he is a Fremen and leading the way to the Sietch.
Additional vocabulary terms are listed below for a better understanding of the Dune terminology. However, now that all the important details are covered, sit back, relax, and enjoy Dune: Part 2.
Additional Terminology
Butlerian Jihad: A period of mutiny 10,000 years into the future to ban Artificial Intelligence and replace it with enhanced mental capabilities.
Golden Path: The better future that the Bene Gesserit believes the Kwisatz Haderach will lead humanity towards.
Gom-Jabbar: A test that involves the examinee putting their hand inside a box that emits a strong, painful sensation. If they remove their hand, a needle will pierce their neck and kill them. This tests the examinee’s ability to resist their impulses.
Hunter-Seeker: A bug-resembling machine that a close operator uses to kill their target.
Kwisatz Haderach: A male who the Bene Gesserit believe will lead humanity down the Golden Path.
Landsraad: The Noble Houses.
Mentat: A person whose mind resembles and works as that of a computer.
Other Memory: A term within the Bene Gesserit that refers to the memories of past Reverend Mothers.
Sand walking: A pattern of walking used by the Fremen that mimics the sound of sand, preventing sandworms from detecting human activity.
Sandworms: A dangerous creature found underneath the deserts of Arrakis. Drawn to surface vibrations, sandworms will become violent when their territory is threatened. They produce Spice Melange, making them a crucial role in the Known Universe, and are used as a means of travel by the Fremen.
Spacing Guild: An organization that controls trade and interstellar travel.
Stillsuits: A suit commonly worn by the Fremen that recycles water within it.
Thopter: A mode of transportation that mimics a helicopter.