Photo by: bizrateinsights
Are you ready for the holidays? I know I am. After the insanity of 2020, everyone needs a break to spend time with the people they love. Unfortunately, the holiday season won’t exactly be normal. Through all the bad piling up this year, we can’t forget about the good, especially during the festive months. Let’s talk about both!
The Good
Take a second to think about the things you love about the holidays. That may be food, presents, people, going out, etc. Well, on a positive note, a lot of that is still possible! For instance, one activity many people have taken advantage of during this COVID-19-filled winter is the Tanglewood Lights. You can safely ride in your vehicle, grab a hot chocolate, and drive through to watch spectacular lights. One parade that happened a little while ago was the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade. You couldn’t physically be in the crowd, but you could wake up and turn on your TV to see giant floats going through the city like they have every Thanksgiving for many, many years.
Thanksgiving was tough for a lot of families this year in attempts to keep everyone safe, especially with Covid-19 zooming through the USA. Many people still gathered with their immediate family and chowed down on a feast! Some people chose a different alternative and gathered virtually over sites like Google Meets and Zoom! It may not have been the perfect alternative, but sometimes you have to make sacrifices for the people you’re thankful for.
A major concern right now is volunteering for those in need. Fortunately for those who need it, many of these groups are still up and running this holiday season. Canned food drives, toy drives for children, and providing shelter for those in need during the winter is imperative for the community.
The Bad
According to the LA Times, there were TONS of canceled events all over the US. One cancellation right here in Davie County is the Mocksville Christmas Parade. Outside of Davie County, there were even bigger cancellations like New York City’s Radio Rockettes up North, and Disney World’s annual holiday tours down South that so many people book tickets for every year. There has also been a complete lack of traditions like trick or treating and photos with Santa altogether.
This holiday season has felt nothing like a normal holiday season. But making the best of it is all you can do. This time of year is about more than just the events we book tickets for and experience to have fun. It’s about giving to others and sending love to those who need it most. So no matter how the holiday season looks, remember to send love and spread kindness to your family, your friends, and your community.
Giving to others also includes keeping the people around you safe. Keep that in mind while preparing for your yearly celebrations this year. Here are some tips that can help you do just that…
Ways You Can Stay Safe & Keep Others Safe [CDC]
Spend holidays at home with your immediate family
Spend holidays at places where there’s less risk [ex: not in public]
Gather outdoors
Wear masks, unless you’re eating or you’re with immediate family
Wash your hands consistently
Clean often, especially if food is involved
For Food-Related Gatherings…
Encourage bringing your own food if possible
Wear a mask and wash your hands often during food prep
Store your mask in a dry environment while eating [ex: plastic bag]
Have one main server so not everyone is touching serving utensils all at once